Wednesday, March 8, 2017

"When in Doubt Wear Red" - Bill Blass

Let me start by saying, I promise this post has a happy ending.

Anyone that knows me knows that I stay pretty far away from politics. A lot of people think that I am being naive or ignorant by not getting involved. I guess that could be true to an extent, but I think that can be said for everyone. I stay away from politics for various reasons, but not because I haven't formed my opinions on the big issues facing our country (and really the whole planet). I choose not to share my opinions with others because of how toxic and brutal the political culture is.

How often do you get shut down for sharing your ideas and opinions? How many people do you know that sacrifice their friendships and relationships just so that they can hold on to the idea that they HAVE to be right? This isn't Star Wars. You can give up the high ground once in awhile. When is the last time you had a calm conversation about politics where everyone was happy and respected? I'm guessing it doesn't happen very often.

I see far too many people tearing down others so that their opinions seem more important and "right." These are the same people who go out of their way to tell you how much they will respect your opinions and point of view. However, "I respect your ideas" is actually short for "I respect my ideas, and yours by extension, if they are the same as mine." I have been protecting myself by not getting involved in it all. I refuse to give others the sword to slay me with, especially those that I care about. But that's not completely it.I know that as soon as I share my stances on politics, I will instantly be labeled.


Society has reached the point where the above labels are as good as insults. People like to say that race, gender, and religion are dividing the country. And I do think that's true (even though people should be able to look past those things), but I believe that political labels separate us even more. Now when someone says "they're a Republican/Democrat/etc." it sounds like an insult. I don't think it's crazy to want to avoid subjecting myself to that. But hell, who knows. Maybe I am nuts. I'm certainly not counting it out (yes, that is a joke).

You're probably sitting there reading this wondering if there is a point to this very long rant-like post. Well I'm just about there. Get ready for a plot twist.

Today I am participating in something political in nature.

"What?? But why?? You're so justified in your opposition though! My heart can't take this sudden betrayal!!" I understand this is what you are thinking right now (clearly), but I have a good reason. As most of you probably know, today is International Women's Day. Today, women across the world are either wearing red, not going to work, shopping at stores owned by women, or all of the above. This is part of the "Day Without Women" movement. Pretty much, we are trying to emphasize the importance of women in society. This is worth giving up my issues with politics for a day.

This is important. In a time where women don't receive equal pay, are body shamed for not looking like a photo shopped picture in a magazine, are made to feel like we are breakable little dolls, can't breastfeed in public without being insulted, and are all around not seen for our full potential it is important. We need to represent our strength. Because...
We are strong.
We are beautiful.
We are not less special than men.
We are important.

So today, don't be afraid to be proud. Because, let's face it ladies, we are awesome.

Look for me. I'll be the one in red.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

It's okay. His Name is Buster.

Two posts in one day! You're probably asking yourself if this is really happening. Yes. Yes it is. No need to get worked up. I am here to share with you the frustration of having bad neighbors who are even worse dog owners. We've all met them. People who let their dogs run wild as they stand twenty yards away holding the leash that should be attached to the dog. You expect them to come running over to quickly get the dog on his leash and apologize because, obviously, it was an accident that the dog got free. If only that were the case...if only...

Instead of securing their canine, these owners shout from the distance at their dog, hoping that he will understand that he is being called. It is in this moment that it becomes obvious that the dog has never once listened to its human. While his owner continues to hopelessly shout ignored commands at the dog, the fluffy pup is busy running up to you, your dog, your other surprised neighbor, their dog, and just about everyone else in a 1 mile radius. This is around the time when the owner tries to comfort you about the current situation. Still staying where they are, they shout "It's okay! His name is Buster." It seems like these types of owners always choose the name Buster. I'm sure if you researched the meaning of the name, you would find that Buster actually means "dog who is given far too much credit for his obedience." Needless to say, hearing that it's okay and learning Buster's name (although you'd probably already guessed it) does not make the situation any better.

Now, if you're like me and you have a very small phobia-filled dog, your main focus is getting them off the ground. You don't know if this extra friendly dog is going to eat up your pup like a potato chip. If you are also like me and you are only around 5 feet tall, this task requires holding your dog in the air like Lion King to keep them away from Buster. This action usually is even more exciting to Buster because now he can jump for your pooch. This, my dear readers, is what we call a lose-lose situation.

The whole scenario can only play out two ways now. Either the owner will come and retrieve Buster (it's a bonus if they apologize). That is the ideal ending to our story. However, anyone who has ever met someone who owns a Buster know that they will continue to stand very far away and shout to the dog. Eventually Buster will give up his pursuit of your potato chip dog, and he will run off to his human. His human will still not attach the leash because "well he came back didn't he?" You and your pup will finish what you're doing, but on high alert. For my dog, she will count this as another trauma in her troubled life, and she will be extra skittish for a day. Everyone will eventually forget about it and move on. At least until the next Buster breakaway.

So, to all the Buster owners of the world, please use a leash.


It's Been Awhile...

To my very few readers (hi, Mom), I know it has been awhile since I posted anything. I have been out living life instead of writing about it. A lot has happened since my last post, so let's get brought up to speed!
Here's what's happened since last October:
Here ends the update.

Totally kidding, but that was probably the most life changing thing to happen to me.

Here's what also happened (not in chronological order):

  • The United States elected Donald Trump as the new President (are we great again? I'll let you decide for yourselves). I will leave it at that with political news.
  • We lost Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, and the world wept.
  • For my fellow hermits, World of Warcraft's Legion expansion was released, and we all learned the value of our archaeology skill. (Also, how about that reputation grind? *cries*).
  • Personally, I got accepted to go on a study abroad trip this June, but we will return to this in a minute.
  • After a massive troll on the internet, some people actually started to believe that the Earth is flat. God help us all.
  • "Cash me ousside" girl became unfortunately popular.
  • I said I wouldn't get political, but I think it's important to note that during our election Harambe received over 15,000 votes. May he rest in peace.
  • Gilmore Girls released the four episode continuation series, and it was what dreams are made of.
  • For a brief moment I was caught up on Game of Thrones. "Hold the door!!" Almost as bad as the Red Wedding. Fun fact: that scene scarred me for life.
  • Beauty and the Beast trailers began to drop, and we all were stunned by the perfection. Actually, so far all of the live action Disney recreations have been spectacular.
  • Pokemon Go generation 2 dropped. Can you say Murkrow? (I did catch a Snubbull, and it made it all worth it because I'm pretty sure my dog is actually a Snubbull).
  • The most recent update would be that I survived my midterms. That may not seem like very much, but it is the reason I am able to continue blogging.
Now that we are all caught up on the highlights from the last several months, let's talk about what brought me back. I know you've all been lost without my posts (please tears of joy are not necessary). Seriously though, I have been asked by a couple of people to continue. Right now, despite the end of midterms, I am starting the busiest month of all time. I need this as an outlet, and mostly as a way to procrastinate. However, that's not the main reason I've decided to continue.

As I said in my update, I am going on a study abroad trip in June. It will be two weeks long, and we will be going to Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. Since it is with the school, I will be taking classes while abroad (Six credit hours in two weeks! Heck yeah!), and one of those classes requires us to maintain a journal for the duration of the trip. I'm already going to be logging and writing about my trip every day, so I thought why not just transfer my writings into my blog! Two birds with one huge freakin stone!

So. This post means that I am officially back at it, and I will definitely (hopefully) keep up with it this time (fingers crossed)!
