Tuesday, March 7, 2017

It's Been Awhile...

To my very few readers (hi, Mom), I know it has been awhile since I posted anything. I have been out living life instead of writing about it. A lot has happened since my last post, so let's get brought up to speed!
Here's what's happened since last October:
Here ends the update.

Totally kidding, but that was probably the most life changing thing to happen to me.

Here's what also happened (not in chronological order):

  • The United States elected Donald Trump as the new President (are we great again? I'll let you decide for yourselves). I will leave it at that with political news.
  • We lost Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, and the world wept.
  • For my fellow hermits, World of Warcraft's Legion expansion was released, and we all learned the value of our archaeology skill. (Also, how about that reputation grind? *cries*).
  • Personally, I got accepted to go on a study abroad trip this June, but we will return to this in a minute.
  • After a massive troll on the internet, some people actually started to believe that the Earth is flat. God help us all.
  • "Cash me ousside" girl became unfortunately popular.
  • I said I wouldn't get political, but I think it's important to note that during our election Harambe received over 15,000 votes. May he rest in peace.
  • Gilmore Girls released the four episode continuation series, and it was what dreams are made of.
  • For a brief moment I was caught up on Game of Thrones. "Hold the door!!" Almost as bad as the Red Wedding. Fun fact: that scene scarred me for life.
  • Beauty and the Beast trailers began to drop, and we all were stunned by the perfection. Actually, so far all of the live action Disney recreations have been spectacular.
  • Pokemon Go generation 2 dropped. Can you say Murkrow? (I did catch a Snubbull, and it made it all worth it because I'm pretty sure my dog is actually a Snubbull).
  • The most recent update would be that I survived my midterms. That may not seem like very much, but it is the reason I am able to continue blogging.
Now that we are all caught up on the highlights from the last several months, let's talk about what brought me back. I know you've all been lost without my posts (please tears of joy are not necessary). Seriously though, I have been asked by a couple of people to continue. Right now, despite the end of midterms, I am starting the busiest month of all time. I need this as an outlet, and mostly as a way to procrastinate. However, that's not the main reason I've decided to continue.

As I said in my update, I am going on a study abroad trip in June. It will be two weeks long, and we will be going to Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. Since it is with the school, I will be taking classes while abroad (Six credit hours in two weeks! Heck yeah!), and one of those classes requires us to maintain a journal for the duration of the trip. I'm already going to be logging and writing about my trip every day, so I thought why not just transfer my writings into my blog! Two birds with one huge freakin stone!

So. This post means that I am officially back at it, and I will definitely (hopefully) keep up with it this time (fingers crossed)!


1 comment:

  1. Welcome back! I'm excited to once again be able to see the world through your eyes.

    MerryMary (aka mom)
