Wednesday, March 8, 2017

"When in Doubt Wear Red" - Bill Blass

Let me start by saying, I promise this post has a happy ending.

Anyone that knows me knows that I stay pretty far away from politics. A lot of people think that I am being naive or ignorant by not getting involved. I guess that could be true to an extent, but I think that can be said for everyone. I stay away from politics for various reasons, but not because I haven't formed my opinions on the big issues facing our country (and really the whole planet). I choose not to share my opinions with others because of how toxic and brutal the political culture is.

How often do you get shut down for sharing your ideas and opinions? How many people do you know that sacrifice their friendships and relationships just so that they can hold on to the idea that they HAVE to be right? This isn't Star Wars. You can give up the high ground once in awhile. When is the last time you had a calm conversation about politics where everyone was happy and respected? I'm guessing it doesn't happen very often.

I see far too many people tearing down others so that their opinions seem more important and "right." These are the same people who go out of their way to tell you how much they will respect your opinions and point of view. However, "I respect your ideas" is actually short for "I respect my ideas, and yours by extension, if they are the same as mine." I have been protecting myself by not getting involved in it all. I refuse to give others the sword to slay me with, especially those that I care about. But that's not completely it.I know that as soon as I share my stances on politics, I will instantly be labeled.


Society has reached the point where the above labels are as good as insults. People like to say that race, gender, and religion are dividing the country. And I do think that's true (even though people should be able to look past those things), but I believe that political labels separate us even more. Now when someone says "they're a Republican/Democrat/etc." it sounds like an insult. I don't think it's crazy to want to avoid subjecting myself to that. But hell, who knows. Maybe I am nuts. I'm certainly not counting it out (yes, that is a joke).

You're probably sitting there reading this wondering if there is a point to this very long rant-like post. Well I'm just about there. Get ready for a plot twist.

Today I am participating in something political in nature.

"What?? But why?? You're so justified in your opposition though! My heart can't take this sudden betrayal!!" I understand this is what you are thinking right now (clearly), but I have a good reason. As most of you probably know, today is International Women's Day. Today, women across the world are either wearing red, not going to work, shopping at stores owned by women, or all of the above. This is part of the "Day Without Women" movement. Pretty much, we are trying to emphasize the importance of women in society. This is worth giving up my issues with politics for a day.

This is important. In a time where women don't receive equal pay, are body shamed for not looking like a photo shopped picture in a magazine, are made to feel like we are breakable little dolls, can't breastfeed in public without being insulted, and are all around not seen for our full potential it is important. We need to represent our strength. Because...
We are strong.
We are beautiful.
We are not less special than men.
We are important.

So today, don't be afraid to be proud. Because, let's face it ladies, we are awesome.

Look for me. I'll be the one in red.


Tuesday, March 7, 2017

It's okay. His Name is Buster.

Two posts in one day! You're probably asking yourself if this is really happening. Yes. Yes it is. No need to get worked up. I am here to share with you the frustration of having bad neighbors who are even worse dog owners. We've all met them. People who let their dogs run wild as they stand twenty yards away holding the leash that should be attached to the dog. You expect them to come running over to quickly get the dog on his leash and apologize because, obviously, it was an accident that the dog got free. If only that were the case...if only...

Instead of securing their canine, these owners shout from the distance at their dog, hoping that he will understand that he is being called. It is in this moment that it becomes obvious that the dog has never once listened to its human. While his owner continues to hopelessly shout ignored commands at the dog, the fluffy pup is busy running up to you, your dog, your other surprised neighbor, their dog, and just about everyone else in a 1 mile radius. This is around the time when the owner tries to comfort you about the current situation. Still staying where they are, they shout "It's okay! His name is Buster." It seems like these types of owners always choose the name Buster. I'm sure if you researched the meaning of the name, you would find that Buster actually means "dog who is given far too much credit for his obedience." Needless to say, hearing that it's okay and learning Buster's name (although you'd probably already guessed it) does not make the situation any better.

Now, if you're like me and you have a very small phobia-filled dog, your main focus is getting them off the ground. You don't know if this extra friendly dog is going to eat up your pup like a potato chip. If you are also like me and you are only around 5 feet tall, this task requires holding your dog in the air like Lion King to keep them away from Buster. This action usually is even more exciting to Buster because now he can jump for your pooch. This, my dear readers, is what we call a lose-lose situation.

The whole scenario can only play out two ways now. Either the owner will come and retrieve Buster (it's a bonus if they apologize). That is the ideal ending to our story. However, anyone who has ever met someone who owns a Buster know that they will continue to stand very far away and shout to the dog. Eventually Buster will give up his pursuit of your potato chip dog, and he will run off to his human. His human will still not attach the leash because "well he came back didn't he?" You and your pup will finish what you're doing, but on high alert. For my dog, she will count this as another trauma in her troubled life, and she will be extra skittish for a day. Everyone will eventually forget about it and move on. At least until the next Buster breakaway.

So, to all the Buster owners of the world, please use a leash.


It's Been Awhile...

To my very few readers (hi, Mom), I know it has been awhile since I posted anything. I have been out living life instead of writing about it. A lot has happened since my last post, so let's get brought up to speed!
Here's what's happened since last October:
Here ends the update.

Totally kidding, but that was probably the most life changing thing to happen to me.

Here's what also happened (not in chronological order):

  • The United States elected Donald Trump as the new President (are we great again? I'll let you decide for yourselves). I will leave it at that with political news.
  • We lost Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds, and the world wept.
  • For my fellow hermits, World of Warcraft's Legion expansion was released, and we all learned the value of our archaeology skill. (Also, how about that reputation grind? *cries*).
  • Personally, I got accepted to go on a study abroad trip this June, but we will return to this in a minute.
  • After a massive troll on the internet, some people actually started to believe that the Earth is flat. God help us all.
  • "Cash me ousside" girl became unfortunately popular.
  • I said I wouldn't get political, but I think it's important to note that during our election Harambe received over 15,000 votes. May he rest in peace.
  • Gilmore Girls released the four episode continuation series, and it was what dreams are made of.
  • For a brief moment I was caught up on Game of Thrones. "Hold the door!!" Almost as bad as the Red Wedding. Fun fact: that scene scarred me for life.
  • Beauty and the Beast trailers began to drop, and we all were stunned by the perfection. Actually, so far all of the live action Disney recreations have been spectacular.
  • Pokemon Go generation 2 dropped. Can you say Murkrow? (I did catch a Snubbull, and it made it all worth it because I'm pretty sure my dog is actually a Snubbull).
  • The most recent update would be that I survived my midterms. That may not seem like very much, but it is the reason I am able to continue blogging.
Now that we are all caught up on the highlights from the last several months, let's talk about what brought me back. I know you've all been lost without my posts (please tears of joy are not necessary). Seriously though, I have been asked by a couple of people to continue. Right now, despite the end of midterms, I am starting the busiest month of all time. I need this as an outlet, and mostly as a way to procrastinate. However, that's not the main reason I've decided to continue.

As I said in my update, I am going on a study abroad trip in June. It will be two weeks long, and we will be going to Germany, Italy, and Switzerland. Since it is with the school, I will be taking classes while abroad (Six credit hours in two weeks! Heck yeah!), and one of those classes requires us to maintain a journal for the duration of the trip. I'm already going to be logging and writing about my trip every day, so I thought why not just transfer my writings into my blog! Two birds with one huge freakin stone!

So. This post means that I am officially back at it, and I will definitely (hopefully) keep up with it this time (fingers crossed)!


Monday, October 12, 2015

The Nerd Herd: A Brief Survival Guide To College

It has been a long time since my last post. My life has been a hundred different kinds of chaotic in the last few months. I spent most of my summer traveling to Wyoming, St. Louis, and Texas. Then the start of the new semester brought new stresses (like an accounting class), and a new job. Blogging moved to the back of my mind, and trying to learn how to be an adult moved to the front. The fact that I'm posting now does not mean I have figured out adulthood. It just means that adulthood is stressful, I need a break, and I am between classes.

This semester, I have found a new favorite place to kill time between classes. It is an area of the campus Student Center my boyfriend affectionately calls "the nerd herd." It is a spot out in the open with comfy chairs, plenty of power outlets, and lost of chair-side tables. It is in between the vending machines and a little room where gamers meet up. They seem to play a lot of Magic (if you need to ask what it is, you don't want to know), and then other games on their computers. The chairs in the space between the gamers and snack machines get filled by lots of interesting characters. This is my new favorite spot because it is perfect for people watching (one of my favorite pastimes, but not in a creepy way).

Most people seem to require absolute silence in order to study or do homework. I am one of people who loves it to be loud and lively. That doesn't mean I'm about to hit the books at a concert or pep rally. I just like a reasonable amount of sound. For some reason, it helps me to focus. The nerd herd is the perfect place for me to study, browse Pinterest, or write a blog post. I think that is the most important thing all college students need to have on their campus: a place that makes them comfortable enough to get whatever work done that they need to do.

If you are a new student entering college, or if you are a well-worn senior, there are some things that can make your life a lot easier. The first is finding that comfy nook to study. Another important thing you need to do is to become comfortable being alone. This doesn't mean you have to be that quiet unsocial person that is scared of human interaction and is found dead in their house with lots of cats  80 years later. Friends are good, dating is good, study groups are good, clubs are good, and meeting with your professor is good. However, your friends and significant other won't always be available to sit with you between classes. In high school, you always had someone to walk to class or eat lunch with, but in college it's not always the same. Do not freak out. Stay calm. This is okay. In fact, its a really good thing. Being comfortable sitting alone in your own world is a life skill that is just as valuable as being able to be social. These are your years to be comfortable with yourself. When you are happy with yourself, you will find yourself doing well at lots of things. Being alone actually helps you to be more confidant, so you will have an easier time managing your stress and being that social butterfly you strive to be.

Then on the other side, you must also take these years to learn how to be comfortable when your not alone. Being social can be a scary thing. And, yeah, people sometimes suck, but avoiding the human race can be dangerous. So take this time to become someone who is okay with talking to people. Something I'm learning is that you can still enjoy being social even if you hate people. College is about school and making good grades, but it is also about figuring out who you are. This is a time to make friends, enemies, and plenty of mistakes. If you screw up now, it is okay. That is next thing you need to learn for your college experience. It is okay to fail.

Growing up, we are told that failing is a horrible, scary thing that will ruin your life. That is true if you do something like rob a bank or go on a mass murder spree (I am not saying you should do either of those). However, if you mess up a little, it is okay. Hell, it's practically expected. If you fail a test, it's okay. If you fail a class, it's okay. If you decide you want to try Jell-o shots for the first time and end up puking on your cat (notice it's a singular cat...don't be a cat lady/man), it's okay as long as you give him a bath. If you screw up no one will hold a red hot poker to your eye until you cry and apologize. You can survive a few mistakes in life. No one gets through to the end by being perfect. That doesn't mean you need to stop trying and give up. Just don't freak out over the small hiccups in the road.

So when you are going through college and you feel like your head is going to implode, go to your designated comfy spot on campus and take a breath. Remember, when in doubt, you can always visit your local pet shop. Pet some puppies and feel better. College isn't easy, and no one expects you to do everything right. If you are freaking out, it's safe to say the person to your left is also....especially if I am sitting to your left. Remember:

Don't worry!
Stay calm!
You've got this!

Friday, July 10, 2015

Chicken Noodle Soup

Soup is one of those comfort foods that is good if it's the dead of winter, or even the middle of July. It leaves you with a warm belly, and makes you feel cozy. When I was visiting with my grandparents over the holiday weekend, my grandma told me about her amazing chicken noodle soup recipe. Pretty much everything my grandma cooks is delicious (I think it is a rule of grandmas), so I was more than willing to hear about this soup.Tonight I made it for my boyfriend and myself, and we were both very pleased with it. Roger loved it because it was yummy, and I loved it because it was super easy to make.

Here's how I did it.


  1. Pre-cooked chicken
  2. Chicken stock
  3. One onion
  4. Celery
  5. Carrots
  6. About 4 tablespoons of butter
  7. About 1/3 cup of flour
  8. Assorted herbs and spices
  9. Egg noodles
  10. One 5 ounce can of evaporated milk (PET brand is the best)
Start off by melting the butter in a big pot. Dice and cook the onion and celery in the butter only until translucent. Do not let them brown. Next, I went ahead and added in my diced carrots and spices. I used dried sage, basil, rosemary, plenty of salt and pepper, some garlic powder, and a couple of bay leaves. For the dry herbs, I rubbed them between my hands as I added them to release the oils and more of the flavor from them. Then add in your flour, but only enough to soak up most of the butter. Let the flour cook onto the vegetables for about a minute.

The onions and celery sweating in the butter.
After the carrots, herbs, and flour are added.

Then add in your chicken stock. Depending on how much you are making, use either one or two cartons. I needed two for a big pot. Also, it is always a good idea too add in some extra water and some chicken broth base. Bring it all up to a low boil, then add in the chicken and egg noodles. For the chicken, I just cooked some in a pan and shredded it. Also, before adding the noodles I partially cooked them in boiling water, and I rinsed them to take away some of the starch from them. Let it all cook together until the noodles are completely cooked, and then you can stir in the evaporated milk. Allow it all to get warm again and serve it. It is guaranteed to be delicious!

Monday, June 22, 2015

The Butter To My Bread, The Breath Of My Life.

It is 3:00 in the morning, and I can't sleep. This is nothing new for me. I am usually wide awake at strange hours of the night, but I don't usually want to write this late. The later it gets, the more obnoxiously bright and painful a computer screen becomes. However, tonight is different. My eyes are already growing sick of the glowing screen, but my mind is far too wild to be put to bed at the moment. So here I sit in bed with a sleeping dog next to me, my painfully bright laptop, and a million thoughts running through my head that need a home (that isn't my brain) so that I can get some sleep.

Do you ever get in those moods where you don't feel like yourself because somehow you have managed to lose your passion and drive, even for just a second? Well I do. For the past several days, I have felt like I am missing something very important in my life. I had lost my motivation to go out and do things, and all I wanted to do was sleep and avoid all contact with people. But I finally realized today what I have been missing. My drive, motivation, and passion all came rushing back once I figured it out. I need food.

Now I am not starving or anything like that. I am getting plenty to eat, but I still need food. I do not need it for sustenance, or for any reason pertaining to the health of the human body. I need food to cook. I need food to feed my need to be creative. I need food to bring the people around me together. I need food to bring order and warmth back into my home. I need food to put the spark back in my life, and light the flame that fires up my motivation. It is probably strange to find all of that just from food, but I have been known to be a pretty strange person. However, being able to see food as something to experience, rather than simply something needed by the body, makes it special.

Food gives us the chance to bring joy to other people. When cooking, the key ingredient in every recipe is emotion. For me, it is impossible to step into the kitchen and cook without putting my passion and emotions into what I create. That does not mean that everything coming out of my kitchen is good. Sometimes the things I create are ghastly and horrible, but I still pour my feelings into them. I once ended up in tears after going through 5 unsuccessful batches of pie dough. Of course, the failed dough was only part of my dismay, but it was the part that allowed me to work through whatever issue I had been dealing with at the time. Having something completely and utterly fail in the kitchen gives me a chance to let go of some of my stress. However, cooking also brings out the best emotions, not just stress.

I honestly believe that, over the span of my life, I have laughed and smiled more in the kitchen than anywhere else in the world. Whenever I am at my happiest, all I want to do is cook a large meal for all of the people I'm closest with. It perpetuates my joy. I am so thankful that I was able to grow up in a family where so much time was spent with food. I learned early on that food isn't just about eating. Food is about bringing people together, letting out anger or stress, and creating an environment where everything is okay. It truly is a powerful thing.

I am so glad that I have had so much support from the people in my life. I have figured out how to get the passion and drive back in my life, even though it was only gone for one small blip. All it took was my boyfriend suggesting that I find a long-term project and then asking me "what do you want to do?" As soon as he said that, I knew immediately that I wanted to cook. That is all I want to do, and that is what I'm going to do. I don't plan to do anything like cooking all of Julia Child's recipes and blogging about them, but I am planning on throwing myself into cooking again.

But it may be best to start tomorrow. It is now 4:00 in the morning. The longer this post goes on, the worse the writing becomes. I am finally starting to feel sleepy, and this computer screen seems to be getting brighter. So goodnight, everyone. Until next time.


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Dog Sitting Day Two: The Crude Humor of Doggy Farts

Hannah and Luna are like a lava lamp. They can keep me entertained for hours. Today they have done some pretty silly stuff, but also some pretty gross stuff. They are insanely gassy dogs. And, despite how awful it smells, I find it really funny. I also had fun watching them do things like trying to catch their treats, falling asleep in funny places, and hopping around the yard. I have been giggling all day.

My sense of humor is very skewed. I love puns and fart jokes. I laugh at really goofy things like dogs wearing shower caps, screaming goats, any other animal wearing clothes, and just goats in general. I also laugh at really horrible like dead baby jokes and most crude British humor. Dirty jokes usually don't make me laugh because I usually don't catch on to them. My mind is rarely in the gutter because I usually spend my time coming up with funny puns (even though I'm probably the only one who finds them funny). My goofy sense of humor is why I think the doggy farts are funny. They sound like a human, and every time they toot they look at their butts as if they can't believe what just happened. It truly is very funny.

Both of them are so cute and silly. Luna, the baby, always falls asleep on the couch with her head on the pillow like a human. Then Hannah goes and cuddles up with her like the mama duck she is. Then when there is the smallest sound in the world, Luna jolts awake and jumps about three feet into the air. Hannah doesn't move at all. The only things that wake up Hannah are when I stand up, she toots, or when I speak the words "food" and "go outside." They both fall back asleep pretty quickly every time.

Sleepy Luna.
It is really nice to have these two dogs here to keep me company during the day. My apartment has been so dreary and lonely the past couple of nights because my dog, Maggie, is staying with my grandparents for the week. It is amazing how quiet and empty my home feels when it is missing that one little dog. At my sister's house, Hannah and Luna make it feel like a home full of warmth and love. There is something magical about walking through the front door and being greeted by puppy faces and licks. That is the best part about coming home to Miss Maggie. She always comes to say hello when I walk in. That one greeting from a dog can make any place feel like home.